
Amplify Business Intelligence with Visual Analytics


The financial industry have accumulated an ample amount of data that bring new inspirations to business intelligence. Processing vast amounts of information into knowledge and improving data utilization capabilities provide opportunities for the development of business intelligence. Visualization has a direct and close connection with knowledge expression and is an important means of interpreting complex data.

We are FinVis group under the HKUST VisLab. We are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of financial data and finding ways to effectively organize them to better serve business intelligence. We design the more sophisticated visual analytics rather than mere visualization, to provide a new perspective for financial knowledge exploration.



iQUANT: Interactive Quantitative Investment Using Sparse Regression Factors

To appear

Author: Xuanwu Yue, Qiao Gu, Deyun Wang, Huamin Qu, and Yong Wang

[ abstract ] [ preprint ]

TaxThemis: Interactive Mining and Exploration of Suspicious Tax Evasion Groups

IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2020

Author: Yating Lin*, Kamkwai Wong*, Yong Wang, Rong Zhang, Bo Dong, Huamin Qu, and Qinghua Zheng

[ abstract ] [ url ] [ preprint ]

TradAO: A Visual Analytics System for Trading Algorithm Optimization

IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS), 2020

Author: Ka Wing Tsang, Haotian Li, Fuk Ming Lam, Yifan Mu, Yong Wang, and Huamin Qu

[ abstract ] [ url ] [ preprint ]

sPortfolio: Stratified Visual Analysis of Stock Portfolios

IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2019

Author: Xuanwu Yue, Jiaxin Bai, Qinhan Liu, Yiyang Tang, Abishek Puri, Ke Li, and Huamin Qu

[ abstract ] [ pdf ]

BitExTract: Interactive Visualization for Extracting Bitcoin Exchange Intelligence

IEEE Transactions on Visualization & Computer Graphics, 2018

Author: Xuanwu Yue, Xinhuan Shu, Xinyu Zhu, Xinnan Du, Zheqing Yu, Dimitrios Papadopoulos, and Siyuan Liu

[ abstract ] [ pdf ]

Towards Easy Comparison of Local Businesses Using Online Reviews

Computer Graphics Forum, 2018

Author: Yong WANG, Hammad HALEEM, Conglei SHI, Yanhong WU, Xun ZHAO, Siwei FU, and Huamin QU

[ abstract ] [ pdf ]

A Survey on Visual Analysis of Financial Data

Author: Xuanwu Yue

[ abstract ] [ pdf ]

FinaVistory: Using Narrative Visualization to Explain Social and Economic Relationships in Financial News

International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp), 2016

Author: Yeuk-Yin CHAN and Huamin QU

[ abstract ] [ pdf ]

TrendFocus: Visualization of trends in financial news with indicator sets

International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp), 2014

Author: Yik-Wai NG and Huamin Qu

[ abstract ] [ pdf ]




Contact Us


CYT 3007, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong


Jason Wong: kkwongar at connect dot ust dot hk